Saturday, April 2, 2011

Capri's Story

Nick and Alyssa met, fell in love and got married December of 2010. They dreamed of a life together, a life full of adventure and excitement. Alyssa didn’t want any children of her own and although she loved children & has a younger brother whom she adores, she just didn’t want any of her own. 

Before Nick and Alyssa met, on May 1, 2006, Alyssa was in a terrible car accident and was only given 72 hrs to live. After surpassing the 72 hr mark, Alyssa's parents were told there was no hope for her and she would be a vegetable for the rest of her life. Today Alyssa is 23 yrs old....she is a testimony of God's healing and little did Alyssa know, God had something amazing in store for her life.....

On January 13, 2011, Capri Beauty Nichole Brown was born. She was a beautiful 6lb 9oz baby girl with dark brown hair. But something was wrong and at just one day old, Capri was transported to Cooks Children's Hospital where the doctors diagnosed her with Midfacial Hypoplasia….translation – Capri had an underdeveloped right eye and a missing left eye. She also had a deviated septum and was missing a rib on her left side.

Immediately Alyssa felt guilt and fear. She blamed herself, asking herself what did she do wrong to cause this. With the help of Nick, the rest of her family and with God’s help….Alyssa quickly snapped out of that self-blame mode and moved into a determination mode. A determination to pray for her daughter. She knew they had to start praying for Capri and believing she would be ok and that one day be able to see. Because for a young woman who once felt she never wanted children, was now holding her very own daughter. It was instant love. She knew they would gain victory over this diagnosis…..victory if they trusted in whatever God’s plan was.
At five days old, Capri began the long road of recovery. She had surgery to correct her deviated septum and her family would begin the waiting game to see if her right eye would be functional. During the 2 weeks Capri was in the hospital, Nick and Alyssa learned more and more that God gave them Capri for a reason. They knew she would be an avenue that people would see His work and ultimately guide them to the Lord and that is what gave them peace. They can’t wait to share her testimony when people ask. They use every opportunity to talk about how good God is and how just trusting Him with Capri’s life has brought them closer to each other and closer to Him.

While Capri was at Cooks Children’s Medical Center, the optometrists were baffled every time they saw her because there was so much progress in her right eye. It appeared that Capri was light sensitive in her right eye, meaning there was hope that one day she could gain sight. Alyssa loves taking pictures of her little angel, not only to capture the moments in her little life that has already been a long journey, but because when she flashes the camera, her daughter blinks. The doctors are now saying it appears her right eye is more developed than what they once thought and that her eye will and is functional. With each and every step of trusting God, Nick and Alyssa felt victory of the original feelings of doubt, self-blame and worry.

Some of the ways that Nick and Alyssa knew they had victory over doubt and fear was by looking back to where they had come since their original diagnosis. Not only in their daughters progress, but in their own relationship with each other and with God. Nick was already strong in his faith when Capri was born but this journey has only brought him closer to the Lord. Alyssa had moved from a non-active relationship with God to a real relationship with Him. Now, she holds nothing back with God, she knows time spent with Him only makes her stronger and increases her faith. So when Capri was back in the hospital at 8 weeks old with RSV & hooked to IVs again and her little body left to fight the infection, Alyssa knew God was just profecting His plan in her little life. Capri is home now, growing and showing more signs every day of hope that she will see.

Capri’s story has already touched so many. After the StoneWater Mom’s group heard about what Alyssa and Nick were going through, they rallied around them to help. They began bringing diapers, prayers and wipes. Alyssa's parent's church also came to their side helping with food and baby items. Anything to help carry them through this journey of Capri’s recovery.

Nick and Alyssa are closer than ever & know 100% that they were ment to be capri's parents. This entire experience has been such a blessing to show them how to trust God and grow as individuals and as a couple. Alyssa now says that she wants lots of children with Nick, the love of her life, a far distance from where she was a few short years ago.

Nick and Ayssa now know the victory that is in Christ is available when they laid their burdens down at the foot of His cross. The burden of whether their daughter would survive surgery & whether she would ever have the sense of smell or sight. They have victory over the feelings of self-blame and fears that they once felt.

How can you help? Share the story of Capri. Pass this blog onto friends and family that can be praying for Capri’s testimony to change lives and give hope to those who are weary. The Brown’s are victorious over doubt ,worry, fear and self-blame. 

1 comment:

  1. She is precious and you are blessed to be the stewards of her life. Can't wait to someday soon snuggle our great-niece. We love you endlessly and Capri is deep in our prayers. xoxo, Aunt Erin, Uncle Kev, Gracie, Ellie, Sully, and Z.
